We love having you here, that's why we invite you to enjoy Medellín in a responsible way, do so by downloading our app:

In Medellín, we protect our children from sexual exploitation.

We love our city; it has a history that shaped us and continues to transform us every day. There are corners that invite us to explore our traditions, flavors that carry the aroma of our mountains, and above all, we love our people. This love is our flag, a principle of non-violence for every human being who sets foot on our land, and in this manifesto, we proclaim and demand it especially for our children and adolescents, the seeds and future of a transformative, innovative, and resilient city.


We promote responsible, ethical, and sustainable tourism, the one that honors life, dignity, respect, and love. And so, we want to take care of our visitors and welcome them with open hearts and free from prejudice. That’s why we count on your commitment to prevent the sexual exploitation of girls, boys, and adolescents in our Medellín.

How to help the prevention of sexual exploitation of girls, boys, and adolescents?

Our visitors are welcome and invited to contribute to the care of our children and adolescents by alerting the authorities in cases of sexual exploitation, to the Metropolitan Police for Children and Adolescents in emergencies by dialing 123, to the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), or through the website teprojeto.org.


We want your experience to be unique, and for you to respect our city as much as you enjoy it during your visit.

Moderate the noise

Nature has its own sounds. Respect the activities of the local community and remember that there are people around you who may need silence. If you respect them, they will thank you.

Reduce, recycle, and reuse.

Minimize waste generation and conserve it until suitable containers are found for storage.

Discover and enjoy local traditions, customs, gastronomy and culture.

During your stay, support small businesses, cultural events and local handicrafts to help preserve our traditions, live unique experiences and take home authentic products.

Take care of the children and adolescents of the city.

If you see a case of child labor or sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, report it to the free emergency hotline 123.

Be kind

We want you to be a kind visitor, respectful with the inhabitants of the city, and ethnic and LGBT communities.

Learn about the city

Every place has its own history, nature and culture. You should inform yourself so that your behavior does not cause damage or disturb their daily activities.

Pollute less and move more.

Use public transportation, walk, or explore the city by bicycle. This way you can help improve the air quality of our city and discover new places that you may not have seen otherwise.

Take care of our cultural and natural heritage

Do not destroy, dirty or alter the elements that are part of the cultural and natural heritage of the city, remember that they are our past, present and future.

Report to the 123 hotline.

Do not support the trade in psychoactive substances or the illicit trade in cultural goods, flora and fauna. If you observe any of these cases, please report them to the free emergency hotline 123.

Formal shopping

Give preference to tourist service providers who are formalized

Conserve natural resources

Use water and energy sparingly, remembering that they are scarce resources and their consumption has a major impact on the environment.

Take care of flora and fauna

Observe wildlife without disturbing them, do not steal flowers or plants, and do not buy products made from endangered species.

Your pet is your responsibility.

Assume the commitment to pick up your pet's waste and have its vaccinations up to date and if the breed requires it, remember that you must always carry it with a leash and muzzle

Follow the rules.

For a better experience, know and follow traffic and pedestrian signals and respond to emergency alarms.

Thank you for helping us take care of our children and adolescents!

Thank you, thank you very much for helping us to ensure that tourism in Medellín continues to be a vehicle for integration, empowerment and generation of opportunities for development and social transformation.