In Medellín we are working hand in hand with the health authorities and businessmen from all sectors to welcome you back recharged with the best energy and new health and safety protocols so that you can live beautiful experiences that the city has for you in restaurants, hotels, museums, shops, tours and much more, we are ready to move on and welcome you as always with our open arms.


With 100% compliance with the implementation of biosafety protocols, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia ordered that the José María Córdova de Rionegro and Olaya Herrera de Medellín airports could reestablish commercial passenger flights from the first of September, within the initial phase of gradual connectivity announced by the Civil Aeronautics of Colombia.

The call to all travelers is to take care of themselves and others by practicing all biosecurity measures in air terminals.

1. Arrive maximum 2 hours in advance, prior to this you will not be able to enter. They ask you to show your identity card and boarding pass. You must go unaccompanied as they only allow travelers to enter.

2. You must have the "Corona app" application installed and updated with your health status and the QR code it generates. They ask you to show it at the airport entrance.

3. They take the temperature with a camera and then hand disinfection.

4. You must do virtual Checkin and have the boarding pass on your cellphone digitally.

5. In the waiting room are demarcated the chairs in which you can sit, remember the distance.

6. En el avión no hay servicio de bebidas o comidas y no hay entretenimiento a bordo, así que te recomendamos llevar tu música o series descargadas y una botellita de agua si el viaje es corto.

7. Protocols on the plane: Using the N95 mask is the most recommended, but you can wear fabric or your favorite. You must have it on the whole trip, gloves are allowed and if you feel comfortable with a mask, it does not hurt. Remember alcohol and constant hand sanitization. If your flight lasts more than 2 hours you must change your mask at least 1 time.

8. Boarding and departure of the plane is ordered by groups, forget about stopping to wait for the door to open.

9. Finally, remember to be in perfect health before leaving and without symptoms. If you present any alteration, you are not allowed to travel.

With 100% compliance with the implementation of biosafety protocols, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia ordered that the José María Córdova de Rionegro and Olaya Herrera de Medellín airports could reestablish commercial passenger flights from the first of September, within the initial phase of gradual connectivity announced by the Civil Aeronautics of Colombia.


The call to all travelers is to take care of themselves and others by practicing all biosecurity measures in air terminals.


Economic opening in Medellín


The economic reactivation in the city advances by 95%, with more than 90 thousand companies with their protocols registered in Medellín Me Cuida Empresas, (the platform of the Mayor’s Office of Medellín with which it seeks to make decisions on time during the contingency derived by the coronavirus). During the first month of economic reactivation, there was a 63% decrease in active COVID-19 cases.


Restaurants, gyms, shopping centers, hotels, bars, among others; They virtually uploaded their protocols to the Medellín Me Cuida Empresas platform as a requirement to open their doors to the public and the commitment to adopt the indications.


The figures have remained stable, to a great extent due to the behavior of citizens and due to compliance with the implementation of biosafety protocols.


Opening of other scenarios


In addition to airports and commerce, Medellín will open open-air theaters, the Plaza Mayor Convention Center, cults and churches, sports venues, cinemas and theaters, and tourist attractions such as the North Park,  Arví Park, Cerro Nutibara, and Cerro El Volador during the next weeks of September.


Medellín is recognized by the Pan American Health Organization for its management of the coronavirus


The Pan American Health Organization, PAHO recently highlighted the city’s measures to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 through early decision-making, the articulation of the public and private hospital network, and the actions that have been seen reflected in the preservation of human lives.


Medellín has based its strategy against the coronavirus by actively promoting self-care that with the support and commitment of companies and citizens, we have achieved the opening and reactivation of the city.


Let’s not lower our guard!


Both visitors and locals have the responsibility to continue taking care of ourselves and others, it is not the time to lower our guard and it is vital to continue applying all biosecurity measures to learn to live with the virus; wearing a mask, constantly washing hands, avoiding crowds and taking care of our elderly, as well as people with some comorbidity.